Psychopathic Reasons

Child abuse, through mental and physical abuse, affects the psychological make up of a person. It corrupts the person and can create the very horror that we know as a serial killer. Some of the most famous serial killers that we know of were abused as children.
Even for a moment we all have some times to be shocked that how much we close to be a killer when we get angry with something.
  Although we approve this thinking by saying “now I understand how people become a killer.”  But being a killer is different than being a serial killer and actually the reason which is under this should be investigated.  Because, we can only understand whether the murder done by psychopathically or to defense herself by this investment.  That’s why third pages of the newspapers are deadly and depressing for the reader.  It always made the reader feel catharsis.  Sometimes we put ourselves to the killer’s place and sometimes to the victim’s place.  Both of them are worst than each other, anyway…  I sometimes can understand women killers.  This is not because I am the female one too, But, because I know how the social pressure is. 

Women’s role is very hard in community.  And some of them can handle this some of them can’t.  Weak women go through this killing way and totally go insane.  Women whose ability is just taking lives are taking their revenge, angry and greed by killing people.  Community always consider women as devoted, silent, always come at second place after men and having less justice weak creatures.  When a men cheats on his wife or girlfriend, women’s cheating are always blamed and isolated. 

Men have always had first right to talk and unfortunately mostly women seen as a sex object, be raped, be beaten, and be pushed by men.  She who became insane with the repression of society finally got weak and choose the killing way (choose to become a killer) she find pleasure by killing all the men who hurt her in the past times of her lifetime.  This feeling of revenge which is increasingly turn into a psychopathy completely started to demolish her and even towards her neighbors, children I mean towards everything that makes her bored, stressed or feeling depended created killing instinct.  

Some women took revenge of being raped when she is a child, some took revenge of being second plan at home, some took it because of cheating or exposuring violence from her husbands by killing.  Of course there is a different group that called psychopath.  They kill their victims and even innocent people in bloodbath (genocide) scale for their ego and their own looniness. (like black widows and angles of death)  and no matter how many explanations made, we can never totally  reach a conclusion that why or for what reasons they murder because they unfortunately  are a creatures that surrendered themselves to evil and they need help. The sources of their violence include attachment disorders, abandonment, harsh discipline, and abuse, but a few have been stone-cold psychopaths.  Some have even gotten others to kill for them so they could get what they wanted without being caught and incarcerated.